
Companies in crisis get tailor-made help through our unique phase-gated turnaround method. Organizations in Crisis require an experienced Restructuring Expert with the right "Spirit" but also a well-funded Framework: Our unique 5by5 Method.


Our unique Turnaround method HELPS jeopardized Missions on their way back from red to green.

A Turnaround is a set of strategies designed to rescue a failing business, an important corporate mission, or project. Depending on the type below, we adapt legal, financial, and organizational 5 by5 procedures.









Supporting the interest of owners, investors or the management in tech & telco we drive surviving strategy changes in your business entities in crisis. Possible scenarios to appoint us, depending on goals and situation.

Chief Restructuring Officer

In a looming crisis, appointed by the owners or governing bodies, as a Chief Restructuring Officer (CRO), we are preventively tasked with implementing effective strategies to proactively address deteriorating conditions that may lead to severe liquidity issues, revenue crises, or insolvency risks. To achieve this goal, we develop and execute restructuring plans (like IDW S6), foster relationships with stakeholders, engage in negotiations with banks or creditors, and secure the company’s financial well-being and future sustainability. We lead the company through the restructuring journey and support its turnaround initiatives.

Self Administration (§§270 ff. InsO) Self Administration

If unfortunately, the unthinkable happens, and the company falls into bankruptcy, immediate actions are key to stabilize and turn the situation. In such a situation, retaining control over the company’s decisions often is in the interest of the owners or (alternatively) the creditors. In both cases, proposed by the owners (§270 InsO), or requested by the creditors (§271 InsO), we act as specialized restructuring experts.
Please note, that we’re forced to work closely with a legally mandated custodian, the “Sachwalter”, which is assigned by the court.

Restructuring Commissioner (§77 StaRUG) Restructuring Commissioner

Self-administration (comparable to US Chapter 11) has gained importance not only with the introduction of the StaRUG. Upon request, the court (following §96 StaRUG) appoints us as restructuring commissioner. Depending on whether this is optional (§§ 77 ff. StaRUG, application by the debtors) or mandatory (§§ 73 ff. StaRUG, ex officio), we fulfill different tasks. There must be (as a mandatory precondition) no insolvency or over-indebted existing. In addition, there is also no entitlement to insolvency benefits for employees.
We support you with the restructuring plan and its implementation (the aim: restructuring of legal relationships to achieve a fast turnaround).

Restructuring Mediator (§96 StaRUG) Restructuring Mediator

Restructuring mediation according to sections §§ 94-100 StaRUG is a novelty:
It regulates a non-public (quasi-secret!) procedure in a severe financial crisis to reach an agreement between the debtor and creditors. The aim is to reach a settlement that is largely confirmed by the court and cannot be contested. Prerequisite: no insolvency or over-indebtedness exists.

With an initial time limit of three months and monthly reporting obligations to the court, we provide support in analyzing the current situation and drawing up a proposal for a restructuring settlement.

Interim CIO or CTO

We are specialized in Tech- & IT-oriented assignments.
In the capacity of a CIO or CTO, we are keen to

  • support you in fighting back for profitability &  operational excellence (operational turnaround)
  • strengthen the position of your IT department and its role in a crisis situation
  • align IT with the goals of your overall strategic turnaround

Member of a controlling bodyMember of a controlling body

A financial, strategic or operational crisis needs strong attention. Based on our long-standing tech background we know how to guide C-Levels in this industry sector and scrutinize their turnaround strategies, incl. economic efficiency, compliance with governance rules  (like the German Corporate Governance Codex, similar to §161 AktG), and management style in the era of ongoing disruption, digitalization, and work 2.0.

As well-experienced Crisis Managers we take immediate action, esp. in cases of amounting pressure or losing trust of your stakeholders.
Turnarounds are specific to the organizational level and situation, so are our possible assignments:

Mission lead

As assigned crisis mission leads, we drive planning & execution of cross-company or department-specific ambitions, where we apply an autonomous, agile-driven, and multidisciplinary style of working.
Example: crisis management in the area of M&A, like acquisitions or carve-outs

Program manager

Jeopardized programs are often of existential importance for associated tech departments and their heads. So, failing programs are often seen as a possible danger to their departments or their own carrier. In such situations, we can replace the current program manager, or -less disturbing- act as co-lead to give the program a new spin.
Example: Rescue operation of an ERP or Infrastructure implementation

Project manager

If a project fails urgent action is needed to get a better understanding of the situation and necessary actions. If needed, we can act as an interim project manager in such cases.
Example: An kind of isolated technical tasks

Embedded in a team as a SME

Another way of assignment is to act as a Subject Matter Expert. Exemplarily this can be the case in pre- or post-mergers (M&A, Mergers & Acquisitions).

External coach and advisor

Are you a project leader and want to stay in that position even if you are facing a very challenging project situation? Are you looking for visible or hidden help? In such a situation we can be commissioned as external coaches.
We encourage as well department heads who see their project manager struggle but want the project to succeed.